Companies have always invested their resources on obtaining valuable information out of data. In the ‘50s basic analytics was already a thing, by analyzing data in a spreadsheet ‘by hand’. Nowadays, several Zettabytes are registered every year – one thousand times more than the five Exabytes registered up until 2003 across the globe. And projections point to a constant growth in the upcoming years.

Forecasts show that the world market of Big Data will rise to 103 billion dollars by 2027, based on information by Wikibon and SiliconANGLE shown in the portal.

Obviously, managing this data by hand will not suffice – it requires specific software and professionals that are knowledgeable on the technology and are capable of extracting valuable information for the company out of this mountain of data.

The last few years have seen a constant growth of data, and companies are increasingly demanding specific specialists and software to analyze the data and obtain valuable information for the business.

In this context, data analytics is increasingly expected to be one of the most important fields in a company’s success, with Big Data Analytics platforms being their best allies to attain it.

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Big Data Analytics platform: What you should know

The purpose of these types of platforms is to perform efficient analyses of a huge list of data. Thanks to the analysis performed by these platforms, organizations can improve their businesses, since the quality information that they obtain offers them a better outlook of their company’s situation.

Traditional tools are no longer capable of analyzing the entire volume of data that affects companies today. It is now necessary to count with platforms that are specifically programmed to move in this new environment and obtain valuable information out of the mountain of data.

These platforms are designed to manage the real-time information and analyze data from several users at the same time. Nowadays, there are many platforms of this kind, but not all of them offer good results. In order to know which platform to choose, there are a few things you should consider.

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Tips before choosing your Big Data Analytics platform

Here are the best tips to choose the best platform to analyze your company’s data and obtain the most valuable information for your business.


Beyond SQL analysis

In data analytics, SQL analysis may not be enough. You must ensure that the platform performs automatic learning, time series analysis and other methods that relate newly obtained data with the highly structured information that has been analyzed for years.


Implementation speed

The vertiginous pace of today’s world demands faster tools. In data analytics tools, speed is also a factor – not only in relation to the platform’s operation, but also to its implementation. Companies cannot allow themselves to waste time implementing a tool; they need it to be available as soon as possible to start offering prompt results.


Advanced Big Data Analysis

There are simple platforms that perform a simple data analysis, which is nowadays insufficient for many organizations. The most advanced tools include extra features, such as reporting (full report of analyzed data) and scorecarding (report of an organization’s progress in time).

Based on all of the above, we can claim that Nexus Integra is one of the best solutions on the market due to its flexibility and performance as an IoT and Big Data platform.


“Traditional tools are no longer capable of analyzing the entire volume of data that affects companies today. It is now necessary to count with platforms that are specifically programmed to move in this new environment.”


Why Nexus Integra needs to be your big data analytics platform

Nexus Integra is a data management platform that has the ability of generating a global operational and monitoring framework for the management of large-scale industrial assets. 

Through the use of a three-layer structure, the Nexus Integra platform can manage all data generated by the organization and display them in the most intuitive way – one that is tailored to the needs of the client and fully flexible.

This platform is supported by three branches of one same tree: Nexus Connect, Nexus Core and Nexus Apps.

  • Nexus Connect makes it easy for companies to acquire and organize non-structured data to obtain valuable information for your business.
  • Nexus Core standardizes and unifies all obtained data.
  • Nexus Apps offers the right tools in a global operational framework to manage and display data in a way that is simple to understand.

Based on all of these features, Nexus Integra is the best solution to obtain valuable information out of Big Data, and is an essential tool for a prosperous business. Do you want to know more about what Nexus Integra can do for you? Contact us!