The expansion of cities and the current pace of life make increasingly complex the organization and management of large population nuclei. Due to this evolution, we began to think about how technology could contribute to the improvement of processes and the optimization of available resources, thus giving rise to the Smart City concept.

In this article, we tell you how the application of artificial intelligence (AI), the internet of things (IoT) and Big Data technology are revolutionising the management of cities and, in particular, their infrastructures with solutions such as Smart Living.

Smart City

Before delving into the Smart Living solution, it is necessary to understand what it is and the main keys to a Smart City.

Smart Cities come up from the application of the latest generation technologies like the Internet of things (IoT), Big Data or artificial intelligence (AI) to the systems and physical elements of the city, with the aim of minimizing the environmental impact and increasing the quality of life of citizens.

Smart Environments for Smart Cities: How do they work?

What challenges do Smart Cities face?

Smart Cities are a growing trend, operating through an enabling platform that provides advanced services for entities and residents, helping to bridge the digital divide and provide a better quality of life for all.

Smart Cities seek to solve problems in the economic, environmental, mobility, liveability, organisational and administrative fields.

Smart Mobility, a key factor for Smart Cities

Why implement Smart Cities solutions in your city?

Smart solutions are intelligent systems connected to each other, which automate data collection and provide us with data analysis. At Nexus Integra we have created four solutions to improve people’s quality of life. Smart Environment, designed to improve energy efficiency and environmental quality in cities. Smart Mobility, which aims to improve organisation and optimise urban mobility. Smart People, designed for transparency and citizen communication. And finally Smart Living, designed to optimise and manage facilities. These four solutions make up Smart Cities, which are necessary to respond, in an integrated way and in real time, to the needs of current and future cities.

Applying smart solutions will allow you to:

  • Get a graphical representation of your assets
  • Improve decision making based on reliable data
  • Monitor and manage resources in real time
  • Make up cities into more sustainable environments
  • Improve the mobility
  • Make your city safer

Application of Smart City solutions

In today’s cities, an immense amount of information is generated in different fields such as traffic, security, telecommunications, environment, etc. For this, it is necessary that this information can be read, processed and displayed in a way that makes it easy to work with the data for the management and optimisation of resources.

Nexus Integra allows you to centralise all your asset and infrastructure data on a single platform. Managers will be able to monitor and manage their municipality with ease from one operational and visual interface.

Nexus Integra has developed solutions that make city management easier and more operational in four areas:

  • Environment > Smart Environment
  • Mobility > Smart Mobility
  • Society and infrastructures > Smart Living
  • Citizenship and information > Smart People

Here’s how the Smart Living Solution will simplify the control of everyday life in your city.

Smart Living Solution

Smart Living is a solution that makes the most of the city’s infrastructure and, in effect, improves people’s quality of life.

With Nexus Integra’s Smart Living Solution, you can take control in real time and obtain forecasts that allow you to optimize and manage your assets effectively:

  • Fire detectors: Through this 24-hour software it is possible to monitor, detect and prevent fires in the urban environment. In addition, thanks to the detection measures, we can approach the different sources of fire in an optimized way to accelerate the advance of the fire more effectively.
  • Intelligent video surveillance: to increase public safety and establish predictive analysis to optimize the flow of traffic and citizens.
  • Control of sports facilities: The Smart Living solution is an opportunity to control the capacity and perform centralised management. It is also useful for making decisions based on historical data, with which we can detect shortcomings or needs and implement improvements in management and infrastructures.
  • Climate control: It monitors and controls in real time, the temperature and humidity conditions in buildings and open air installations.

Smart Living Benefits

The main benefit of the technological application of Smart Living seeks to have a positive impact on cities thanks to the collection, measurement and analysis of massive data to increase people’s quality of life.

The accuracy and facility interpretation of the data, in addition to the analysis capacity offered by the Smart Living solution, speeds up the search solutions for future problems that may arise.

As a result, there is an increased security and responding to forest fires and infrastructures, an improvement in the quality of life and more citizen satisfaction.

Moving forward the Smart City with Nexus Integra

There are many cities that have already achieved an improvement in the management of their infrastructures with the Smart Living solution offered by Nexus Integra, increasing the efficiency in the management and quality life of their inhabitants, thanks to the centralization of data, the capacity to obtain an efficient forecast and the optimisation of resources.

If you are thinking of starting the change towards Smart City in your city, contact us, and our team will give you the solution that best suits to your needs.