From Nexus Integra we believe that there is no better way to close the year than with an interview with Salvador Herrando, Business and Operations Director of Nexus Integra. In this difficult year, in which so much adaptation and commitment has been necessary, it is interesting that Salvador tells us what challenges Nexus Integra has faced and how the company has managed to emerge reinforced from the pandemic. In addition, he will give us his most sincere opinion on where the digital transformation is and where it is heading.

So, stay! You will find it interesting, I’m sure.

It has been a complicated year worldwide, how has the pandemic been lived and affected you in Nexus Integra?

Indeed, it has been a very tough year for everyone. On a personal level, as for everyone who suffered the confinement, and on a professional level because of the uncertainty about what economic outlook we would have to face.

The year has finally been positive for the company, but it is still hard not to return to the normal rhythm of work with the team. Although it is true that teleworking has worked very well from the first minute, the companionship and the day-to-day presence are missed.

What about your customers and partners? Have they been greatly affected by the new working conditions?

I would say that all companies, and society in general, have made a great effort to adapt to this unexpected situation. Everyone’s reaction has been agile and in our sector we have not appreciated the dramatic impact that others have experienced, such as tourism or hospitality industries.

After the month of March, at the beginning of April, the restoration of commercial activity to reasonably normal levels was already observed, although it is true that dealing with partners and customers in person is not the same as dealing through a screen.

Do you think that your company and your product Nexus Integra has been strengthened?

Interest in the product has grown to a very significant extent. Indeed, the fact that it is a key element in the digitization process has led to an increase in interest at this time, also because it allows for the remote management of processes from the moment it is implemented.

How can Nexus Integra help industry and smart cities in these pandemic times?

Precisely by unifying in a very simple way the management of production processes and the integrated digitization of the different public services.

I would say that at this time when a considerable expense in solutions is taking place, Nexus Integra is more of an investment that returns from the first moment and that is going to be able to scale up and be profitable, moreover, in the medium and long term for those clients that implement it. This is the basis of long-term digitization.

What challenges does Nexus Integra face? – 2021 plans

We have several, but the main one is the consolidation of the portfolio of integrated solutions that accompany us in the digitization of the three main areas where we seek to add value: Smart Industry, Smart City and Smart Building.

In this sense, we have been working for some time now on having a very powerful network of technological partners that will allow us to create what these three, we could call, meta-products, are. We want to offer an integral digitization to customers of different size, but always with the vision put in the complete transformation of the organization and the long term.

How and when do you think the industrial sector is going to recover?

The impact has been very uneven depending on the area under consideration, and the recovery will most likely be the same. It is difficult to venture, but I think we could speak of a return to pre-pandemic economic levels by the end of 2022 or during 2023.

Do you think there are any sectors that have been more strengthened after the pandemic?

Of course. The digital sector and everything related to the promotion of teleworking, directly or indirectly. I believe that the return to the offices will come, but teleworking is here to stay. We will not work in the same way again as we did at the beginning of the year in almost any sense, and this change in dynamics undoubtedly benefits everything that has to do with digitization at all levels.

What would you recommend to companies that still have doubts about the digital transformation and the implementation of this type of platform?

That they hire a new CEO.

Where do you think the sector of the implementation of new technologies in Spain is going?

Both here and abroad, and what both large and small companies offer, remains an incomplete digitization. It is known that customers are increasingly aware of the need to move forward in this direction, but strategies need to be organised and comprehensive long-term solutions offered.

In my opinion, the way forward is to associate knowledge with the vehicles for implementation at scale, such as large consulting firms. I foresee a consolidation of scalable solutions and local markets in the short term, to progress towards accelerated digitization based on the implementation of products by medium and large implantation companies more towards the medium term.


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Trends in industry 2021